Hibiscus Gazing Meditation

Hibiscus Gazing Meditation

Gazing ✨

A form of a meditation. There are many forms of gazing and many vibrational vortexes to experience around us. This specific gazing exercise is 


a reflection of your beauty 

a guide to the beauty within 

a surge into the life of a hibiscus flower


welcome to this little portal you’ve found on my website lol 

Since I have hibiscus in my yard and invited this beautiful plant into my space, I really became so mesmerized at the blooms that would come up. I’d spend mornings celebrating their opening and night time so excited for morning to see the bloom. Pure joy. Wonder. Celebration. Passion. All around this flower. I’d just stare into it like I was off in space and I realized I had fallen into a  meditative state each time.

Take in the energy of the hibiscus by gazing at its emanating beauty. This practice of hibiscus gazing can deepen your connection to the divine feminine within you, grounding you in the present moment and filling you with a sense of love, magic, wonder, beachy island vibes, grounding, peace, bliss, empowerment, transformation, strength, beauty and the list can go on 

By embracing hibiscus flowers, you honor your the goddess within and celebrate the divine feminine / masculine within and around you. 

when watering, you can place your hand on the soil and send universal love and beautiful intentions to your plant as well. you may also do this during watering and imagine the energy flowing from your hand through the water into the plant.

I began to do this daily and continued to celebrate the new blooms 

In addition to just gazing, hibiscus flowers have many beautiful properties beyond. Multiple ways to utilize hibiscus. Great for heart health and aiding common cold as well. So many varieties. So many colors. My orange hibiscus represents MEDITATION and energy alignment. Damn can we feel that. Okrtttt. You can really be intentional color wise when picking out your flowers. Mine are orange so I really feel sacral swirls, passion and warmth when I’m in their energy. A sense of calm. Wanting to slow down and just go within and appreciate the moment I’m in... I just fall in love in these flowers presence. 

Hibiscus flowers are known to symbolize royalty, power, high regard, and respect in Hawaiian Culture… they are associated with Goddess Kali. DAMN. Representing life force energy Za Za zeowww. You may use hibiscus flowers as an offering to her to honor her. By looking into the color meanings, you can unlock even more magical properties. Hibiscus flowers are like onions. they have layers of magic  


((Ps if you don’t have a hibiscus flower, you may use the photo of my plant in this write up. I made sure to infuse it with reiki symbols and energy and love and so much more goodness and with the intention that it can benefit you the same way just by it being a photo))

- Sit in a comfortable position wherever your hibiscus is located. 
- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out 

- Take a moment to thank Mother Nature for giving birth to such a beautiful natural wonder 

- Thank the hibiscus for blooming in abundance in your presence

- set your intention to connect with this holy flower  connecting you to your deep divine self. honoring your beautiful self. Seeing that the hibiscus is a reflection of YOU and your beauty. Imagine pulling yourself up and out of any heaviness. Standing tall and walking your path with confidence. Surrounded in a white light and a hibiscus in your ear hehe

Imagine how the delicate flower stands thru every storm and how you’ve had to mirror this energy at times in your life… fusing being delicate and tough together… Tap in and see how that mirrors you… where you’ve been too delicate, where you could be more delicate… where we maybe have been rigid or operating heavy in our masculine. feel these energies you hold within and honor them. ask in this moment for the hibiscus to help transform you, whatever it is in this moment, be open to seeing change or what maybe we’ve been blinded from… be open to transformation. Like a Phoenix rising. Pray to any gods or goddesses, spirit guides, angels, that resonates for you in this moment. Pray from your heart. 

- just sit in this energy for a bit with your eyes closed allowing your intentions to integrate and when you’re ready, open your eyes and gaze at the hibiscus in front of you. Be silent. Listen to all the sounds. Let thoughts flow thru you. Just be. And enjoy this moment as long as you wish.

- when your done, do a salutation to the sun and bring your palms in prayer position to your heart. Bow to the hibiscus and give thanks. thank it for sharing that little surge with you. 

- be sure to write down any thoughts of consciousness you had during your meditation. Anything you want to remember from this  

& that’s it ❤️ a fun lil thang I’ve been doing and I just love it. mentally I’m in the tropics, like Hawaii or Tahiti or Jamaica 

this flower reminds us that life is short. The life span of this flower is about 24-48 hours  they die off quick but they keep reblooming.

Resilient. Death. Rebirth. Phoenix  

they stand tall and strong thru sunshine, rainstorms, wind… delicate yet strong and tough. We love 

Live your life.. move with grace. be kind. Be tough Be willing to experience all your new blooms life brings you. We all experience so many different forms of death and rebirth it’s such a beautiful thing. I am 31 but I feel like I’ve lived 10 lives since 21. But I love it. 

Incorporate hibiscus into your daily rituals: 

Create an Altar: if you don’t have an alter already, dedicate a space in your home for this. Build on it. Make it a beautiful sacred space for you and your spirit guides. add candles, crystals, and other items that symbolize the Divine, you, your life, anything symbolic for you, truly make this alter your lil sacred space. Create multiple. Make your altar however you like and add to it over time. Incorporate hibiscus flowers into this somehow! get creative or you may use this photo on this blog  I’ve infused this photo with reiki, life force energy, love, and lots of other good delicious luxurious energy. I also hid all the reiki symbols in this photo. It’s a zinga.

Meditate and Pray: Spend time each day meditating in front of your altar, plant or photo.. a special you time to sit in prayer, meditation and reflection  

Celebrate Beauty: Appreciate the hibiscus in all its forms, whether in your garden, as a tea, or simply through its visual splendor. Appreciate the beauty it reflects in you… honor yourself. Love yourself. You are beautiful. See how this energy shows up in the world around you in the infinite people places and things you encounter daily.

Have fun.



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